SBI Clerk Latest Question Paper With Soultions REASONING ABILITY

SBI Clerk Latest Question Paper With Soultions REASONING ABILITY


Directions (81 – 85): In these questions, relationship between different elements
in shown in the statements.
The statements are followed by two conclusions
Given answer (1) if only Conclusion I is true
Given answer (2) if only Conclusion II is true
Given answer (3) if either Conclusion I or II is true
Given answer (4) if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
Given answer (5) if both Conclusions I and II are true
81. Statements: A ≥ B = C ≤ D
Conclusions: I. A ≥ C
II. D > A
82. Statements: P < Q = M ≥ N < O
Conclusions: I. Q > O
II. P < M
83. Statements: T > R < S = U > V; U ≥ M
Conclusions: I. M ≥ R
II. T ≤ M
84. Statements: Q ≤ P ≥ M ≤ N = T, N ≤ O
Conclusions: I. O ≥ T
II. O ≤ Q
85. Statements: D > E = F ≤ C ≥ P < Q
Conclusions: I. E < Q
II. F ≥ P
Directions (86 – 90): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
In a certain code language, bank for my conductor is written as ‘ya ri vi pa’.
‘for conductor is my’ is written as ‘ri vi pa da’
‘my computer is yours is written as ‘da vi pi du’
‘it yours tablet’ is written as ‘yu du ca’
86. Which of the following is the code for ‘conductor’?
1) da 2) ri 3) ya
4) pa 5) ri or pa
87. Which of the following may represent ‘ya pi du’?
1) my computer tablet 2) yours computer bank
3) yours tablet bank 4) computer for bank
5) my tablet conductor
88. What is the code for ‘my’?
1) ri 2) pa 3) du
4) vi 5) da
89. What does the code ‘pa’ stand for?
1) for 2) conductor 3) my
4) bank 5) Cannot be determined
90. In the code language ‘my computer’ can be coded as:
1) pi vi 2) pi da 3) vi ri
4) pi ya 5) du pi
Directions (91 – 95): In each question below are two statements followed by two
conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be
true even it they seem to be at variance form commonly known facts and then
decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two statements
disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows
Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows
Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
Give answer (5) if both conclusion I and conclusion II follows
91. Statements: Some apples are oranges
Some oranges are potatoes
Conclusions: I. No orange is apple
II. At least some potatoes are oranges
92. Statements: No pen is pencil
No pencil is ink
Conclusions: I. Some ink are pens
II. Some pens being ink is a possibility
93. Statements: No elephant is horse
All bulls are horses.
Conclusions: I. No bull is elephant
II. Some bulls being elephant is a possibility
94. Statements: Some books are papers
No appear is bottle
Conclusions: I. No bottle is book
II. Some bottles being book is a possibility
95. Statements: Some mobiles are tablets
No tablet is personal computer
Conclusions: I. No personal computer is mobile
II. Some personal computers are mobiles
Directions (96 – 100): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such
a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent people. In Row -1, V, W, X, Y
and Z are seated and all of them are facing south. In Row -2, H, I, J, K and L are
seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement
each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
Y is sitting to the immediate left of W. H is to the immediate left of person who
faces V. L is sitting third to the right of J. Z is at the extreme end of the line. X faces
L. W is sitting second to the right of the person who faces K. J is at the extreme end
of the line.
96. Who amongst the following is sitting second to the left of V?
1) Y 2) X 3) W
4) Z 5) None of these
97. Who amongst the following sit at the extreme ends of the two rows?
1) I, J, W, Z 2) X, Z, J, L 3) W, X, K, J
4) Z, Y, J, H 5) W, Z, J, L
98. Which of the following statements is true regarding K?
1) K sits third to the right of J
2) K is not an immediate neighbour of H
3) K sits second to the left of I
4) K faces Y
5) There are three persons to the left of K.
99. Which of the following statements is true regarding J?
1) J is at extreme right position 2) J is sitting between H and L
3) J faces V 4) K is an immediate neighbour of J
5) None is true
100. Who among the following sits exactly between X and Y?
1) W 2) V
3) Z 4) Cannot be determined
5) There is no person between X and Y
Directions (101 – 105): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
Seven friends – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – joined different languages courses viz,
Marathi, Hindi, Bengali, Odiya, Telugu, Gujarati and Malayalam on the seven
different days of the same week from Monday to Sunday, but not necessarily in the
same order.
Only three friends joined courses after D. Only two friends joined courses
between D and the one who joined Bengali language. Only three friends joined
language courses between the persons who joined Bengali and Odiya languages. Only
one friend joined between G and the person who joined Telugu language. G joined
courses neither on Tuesday nor on Wednesday. Neither G nor E joined Odiya
language. Only three friends joined language courses between G and C. A joined
language course on the day immediately before the one who joined Malayalam
language. Neither D nor E joined Malayalam language. B joined Hindi language. A
did not join Gujarati language.
101. On which of the following days of the week A did join the language course?
1) Tuesday 2) Monday 3) Friday
4) Wednesday 5) Thursday
102. Who among the following did join the Bengali language course?
1) A 2) D 3) F
4) G 5) E
103. Who among the following joined the Odiya language course?
1) C 2) D 3) F
4) A 5) Either A or F
104. Which of the following combinations of Day-Person-Course is not correct?
1) Wednesday – F – Odiya 2) Saturday – G – Gujarati
3) Thursday – D – Telugu 4) Monday – C – Bengali
5) Friday – B – Hindi
105. Who among the following joined the language course on the last day of the
week, i.e., Sunday?
1) E 2) F 3) C
4) G 5) B
Directions (106 – 108): Study the following information and answer the questions
given below:
A and B are husband and wife. C is son of B. D is son of C. C is married to P. P
is mother of M. R is daughter of M. M is mother of T.
106. Who among the following is the grandson of A?
1) C 2) D 3) M
4) T 5) P
107. Who among the following is the grand daughter of C?
1) R 2) T 3) D
4) M 5) None of these
108. Who among the following is mother-in-law of P?
1) A 2) B 3) M
4) Either A or B 5) None of these
Directions (109 – 111): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
Among five persons – M, N, O, P and Q – each having different height. N is
taller than O but shorter than M. Q is taller than only P. The second tallest person is
165 cm tall while the second shortest in 155 cm tall.
109. Who among the following is the tallest?
1) Q 2) O 3) M
4) N 5) None of these
110. Who among the following may be 160 cm tall?
1) O 2) N 3) Q
4) P 5) None of these
111. Who among the following is shorter than N but taller than Q?
1) P 2) M or O 3) M
4) O 5) None of these
Directions (112 – 115): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
M, V, K, D, T, J and R are seven friends studying in different classes – IIIrd,
IVth, Vth, VIth, VIIth, VIIIth, and IXth standards. Each of them has different favourite
colours yeloow, blue, red, white, black, green and violet. J likes red and studies in
class Vth, R likes violet and studies in Class IIIrd. M studies in class VIIIth and does
not like either green or yellow. K likes white and does not study either in VIIth or in
IVth. D studies in VIth and likes black. T does not study in IVth. V does not like green.
112. In which standard does K study?
1) IIIrd 2) Vth 3) IVth
4) VIIth 5) None of these
Image result for sbi previous papers113. What is M’s favourite colour?
1) Red 2) Yellow 3) Green
4) Blue 5) None of these.
114. In which standard does ‘V’ study?
1) IVth 2) IXth 3) VIIth
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these.
115. What is V’s favourite colour?
1) Green 2) Red 3) Yellow
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
116. Statement: The Government is working on a proposal to double the investment
threshold that defines micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Which of the following cannot be a possible effect of the above proposal if it is
1) The MSMEs would grow at rapid pace as many small entities prefer to be
small for the fear of losing out the tax benefits.
2) If the sizes of companies are bigger then they are less vulnerable and their
issues can be addressed in a better way.
3) The MSMEs would discard its basic structure and these would come in direct
competition with the bigger companies.
4) The step would enable more companies to get tax benefits currently available
to MSMEs.
5) Technological upgradation and more R & D would be available to MSMEs.
117. Effect: The Reserve Bank of India has increased the priority sector housing
loans to Rs.40 lakh per unit. Which of the following can be a possible cause of
the above statement?
1) The Government is facing great challenge to provide affordable housing to the
needy people.
2) The definition of affordability in most of the cities has changed and more
funds are needed to purchase a dwelling unit.
3) Real estate developers are focusing on high-end luxury segment and ignoring
the lower segment.
4) The costs of building materials have surpassed the prices of land for housing.
5) Banking industry has sought permission to finance land purchase also.
118. Statement: The Income Tax authorities carried out raids at three different
business houses in the city last week.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above statement?
1) The three business houses are regular defaulters in payment of their income tax.
2) The Income Tax department had received a tip off about the illegal activities
going on in the three business houses.
3) The Government decided to look into the matter and has appointed and
inquiry committee.
4) Other business houses took immediate action to clear off all their income tax
dues in order to avoid a raid on their establishments.
5) The authorities intend to conduct raids in several other business houses in the vicinity.
Directions (119 – 120): Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
Point B is 4 meters towards the North of point A
Point E is 8 meters towards the East of point B.
Point C is 5 meters towards the East of Point A.
Point D is 9 meters towards the West of point C.
119. How far should one walk from point A in order to reach point D?
1) 4 meters 2) 9 meters 3) 5 meters
4) 14 meters 5) 8 meters.
120. If a person walks 4 meters towards the South from point E and then walks after
taking a right turn, which of the following points would he reach first?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) None of these

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SBI Clerk Latest Question Paper With Soultions REASONING ABILITY SBI Clerk Latest Question Paper With Soultions REASONING ABILITY Reviewed by Jaya May on 22:14 Rating: 5

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